Sing Out !

Check out this new Mike Ford Song Workshop Whiteboard Animation on youtube!
And here’s some of Mike’s more socially-directed tunes:
Open For Business From the album Canada Needs You, volume two
(this song of Mike’s was voted best political song at last year’s Folk Ontario conference)
Check out lyrics and background info for this song hereWelcome to the Buffer State From the 1812 song cycle Flames Across the Border
Check out lyrics and background info for this song hereThank You Jack A simple song Mike wrote in August 2011 while watching lightning
strike the CN Tower. For those outside Canada, read about Jack Layton here
Check out some of Mike’s favourite dissident songwriters:
David Rovics is a brilliant activist songwriter from the U.S. , described as a peace poet troubadour for our time. He invites you to make use of his songs at gatherings, rallies and schools. Find his songs, lyrics and info here.
Silas Lowe is an astonishingly right-on (and often quite hilarious) young talent from Austin, Texas whose songs expertly skewer modern hypocrisies and celebrate modern heroes. Here’s one of his tunes – his first solo album is coming soon and it is going to be outstanding!