Mike in the Schools

Find out about Mike's rollicking curriculum-focused and bilingual Canadian History school concerts at www.prologue.org.
Mike Ford's acclaimed in-school concerts and workshops are booked through Prologue to the Performing Arts. They are fast-paced interactive concerts that focus on Canadian History, Geography, Civics, French and Music curricula for Middle and High School audiences, as well as older and younger groups.
Specific shows include:
- "Flames Across the Border (The War of 1812)
- "Canada Needs You" (tailored to either Grade 10 20th Century of Canada and Civics classes, Grade 6, 7 or 8 Canadian History Classes, Grade 9 Geography. etc)
- "Le Canada à besoin de vous" (bilingual or immersion versions of the above themes)
- "Le retour d’Étienne Brûlé" (First Nations & Explorers themes en francais).
All performances can be tailored to the specific audience, grade level and curricular focus requested, drawing from Mike's extensive original repertoire.
All performance material is complimented by comprehensive Study Guide resource materials, available on this website!
Songwriting workshops can also be included in Mike Ford school visits. Over the past decade, Mike has conducted hundreds of curriculum-inspired songwriting workshops, facilitating the creation of hundreds of wonderful songs by students across Ontario.
Booking through Prologue to the Performing Arts, most schools opt for the "Mike Ford A Day" option, allowing them to pick and chose from the concert themes, spreading out the experience (and cost) of a Mike Ford visit among several departments and levels.